mailing address

1509 North Prospect Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202

Email our team


Services provided across the United States

Accurate – Objective – Strategic

Our Process For New Cases

Attorneys seeking forensic accounting services will speak to Tracy to determine if the case is a good fit.

Clients seeking forensic accounting services will first speak to a team member about their case and the type of help they need. If the case is one which we can consider taking, the client will fill out a questionnaire. After reviewing the client information, a virtual meeting with Tracy will be scheduled if the details of the situation meet our criteria.

Let’s talk!

Milwaukee: 414.727.2361

Chicago: 312.498.3661

Florida: 305.771.3312

Attorneys are welcome to call to discuss potential cases.

Clients may inquire about services, but we do not provide free consultations or answer questions about case strategy or how to investigate fraud. Consultations are provided on a paid basis as detailed here.