Oklahoma City hand surgeon Houshand Seradge is being accused of Medicare and Medicaid fraud, and the federal government is going after $40 million from him, his family, and his associates. A civil suit against Seradge alleges 6,400 false claims filed by him and his associates, with the claims totaling over $2.6 million.

The doctor and his practice, Orthopaedic & Reconstructive Center, issued a statement saying “… reimbursement rules are complicated and subject to varying and sometimes inconsistent interpretations. Dr. Seradge … and the others named in this matter deny any intentional breach of any such rules..

The situation came to light seven years ago, when three whisleblowers brought forth the case, which was filed under seal. The case was unsealed in April and the federal government intervened, as is its right.

The government is seeking recovery of the $2.6 million, triple the $2.6 million in damages, plus $5,000 to $11,000 per false claim filed. The filings happened between 1994 and 2007.

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