The 624,588 USANA (NASDAQ:USNA) distributors are ranked as follows:

383,124 unranked
84,413 Sharer
102,761 Believer
34,064 Builder
9,195 Achiever
4,277 Director
870 Bronze Director
4,487 Silver Director
902 Gold Director
268 Ruby Director
94 Emerald Director
133 Diamond Director & up

What this means:

  • 624,588 USANA Distributors Signed A Business Contract To Make Money
  • 241,464 USANA Distributors received a commission check
  • 383,124 USANA Distributors have never received a commission check and are considered unranked
  • Of those distributors who have received a commission check, only 4.5% of them are considered Director and above.
  • According to USANA, only those at Gold Director and above are considered Full-Time workers.
  • According to this analysis, only 0.2% of USANA Distributors are “Full-Time” workers.
  • Over the past 17 months, USANA only added 2799 distributors to the ranks of Director or above. Comparing that with the total number of distributors below the Director level 17 months ago (which was 455,799 distributors) only 0.6% of them managed to make it to at least the level of Director!

Data compiled by Terminated Ramp


  1. Terminatedramp 09/13/2008 at 10:10 am - Reply

    I have posted a link to this new chart on the Yahoo USNA Message Board and USANA distributors have gotten the posting removed TWICE now. They do not want the information in this chart to be seen by anyone.

    Len Clements has already admitted on the Yahoo forum that he will have every one of my new postings deleted. This is how they debate. Every posting I make there now is being removed.

  2. TerminatedRamp 09/13/2008 at 4:27 pm - Reply

    Len Clements responded to my claim that “Len Clements has already admitted on the Yahoo forum that he will have every one of my new postings deleted.” He responded by calling me a liar and to provide proof of this claim. Here is what he wrote

    “Len Clements has already admitted on the Yahoo forum that he will have every one of my new postings deleted. This is how they debate. Every posting I make there now is being removed.”

    This is what the cowardly terminatedramp has just posted on Tracy Coenen’s blog. Besides the fact it’s an outright, boldface lie (post the link to where I said this, term), he keeps posting these lies on boards and blogs that have, ironically, CENSORED ME from posting on them! Yes, Tracy Coenen, the so called defender of free speech and anti-censorship crusader, has blocked all of my responses from posting on her blog, and has deleted all the ones that were critical of her. Isn’t it interesting that term posted this complete lie on her board, where he knows I can’t respond to it, but didn’t make this claim here?

    Besides a liar, you are a coward, term.



    The following was posted on the Yahoo Message Board by Len Clements Twice, but was removed shortly after they were posted. I saved a copy of the message. You can decide for yourself if I am a “Liar”.

    Link (already removed):
    Subject: Notice to terminatedramp
    Author: mwave43
    Date: 7-Sep-08 05:01 pm

    Your posts will continue to be deleted every time you post attacks on me, Usana or MLM general that are defamatory, libelous, and based on lies.

    I and many others have tried everything to reason with you, Steve. We’ve tried debating you, we’ve tried arguing with you, and we’ve tried just ignoring you. We’ve presented irrefutable, verifiable facts. Nothing works. You clearly have no interest in conducting any form of rational, fair minded discussion. You and your fellow bashers are surely comforted by the idea that defamation and libel on this board is protected by the high cost of litigation (and Yahoo’s protection of their anonymity in the case of the others), and your ability to simply create new screen names should Yahoo terminate your previous ones. So be it. But at least your lies will only be displayed for a few hours, and buried in a mountain of spam (try turning off your ignore function and see what the casual viewer of this board is seeing).

    You’ve posted a series of accusations against me regarding how I joined Usana, based on nothing more than your own worst-case assumptions, and absolutely ZERO actual evidence of any wrongdoing. You are so ignorant as to the facts of my relationship with Zenza that you don’t even know I was corporate, not a distributor! Then, even after I explain to you what has actually occurred with Usana you offer no counter rebuttal or supporting evidence to back up your assertions, you simply repeat the identical lies again!

    Here’s just one example:

    You claim the UT AG and Usana both “demanded” I remove the video of Mr. Shurtleff at the Usana convention. You have made this claim in the past, and I had already told you that it was only Usana that “requested” I remove it due to their concern that reps might use it as a promotional tool, and that I have never received ANY response from the AG’s office of ANY kind. Yet here you are again repeating the identical lie, and now claiming I “admitted” the AG demanded it be removed on May 22, 2007. Usually you post links to such evidence when you think you have it. Why not this time, Steve? Because you outright lied through your teeth, and no such admission exists.

    And you can ask me for more details on how I acquired this position as many times as you want, but you must think I’m an idiot if you think I’m going to answer them. You obviously are not merely looking for clarification, or for any truths here. You are rooting around for more material that you can twist and distort. No matter what I were to tell you, no matter how legal, ethical and verifiable my explanations, you will always mutate the information given to you to serve your obsessive need to attack Usana and anyone who supports it.

    You can post negative opinions if you want. I’m not trying to censor free speech. But I’ve had enough of your personal attacks and your blatant lies.


  3. Pedro Menard 09/15/2008 at 8:44 am - Reply

    Dear God…

    The discussion over the USANA’s Yahoo message board has long gone past the rules of common civility.

    Tracy, I don’t know if Len Clemments is actually being blocked from posting here, but it would be a good thing if he could answer these questions – provided that he doens’t try to promote any MLM business, of course.

    It doens’t help any if he keeps acusing you of censuring his oppinions. That gives him a reason to rightfully attack you.

    Term, as to your study on USANA’s distribuitors and their income earning situation, I find it totally believable. I wonder why they don’t like it posted on their message board. You could try to add to it the expenses they make by purchasing (mandatory) products and see how many are actually (not) making a profit.

    Best Regards,


  4. Tracy Coenen 09/15/2008 at 2:21 pm - Reply


    Sorry but I haven’t kept up with the Yahoo board. Nothing much to see there. Len has posted a couple of times here. Other times his posts have been rejected. I have no obligation to allow him to use my site as a forum to insult and belittle others, to promote his MLM scams, or to otherwise mislead people about MLM in general.

  5. nobody 09/22/2008 at 12:03 pm - Reply

    Len is a reptilian wordsmith, who will bend meanings until they fit his agenda (to make money without regard to ethics). There’s no point in letting him post here.

  6. Bryant 09/24/2008 at 5:43 pm - Reply

    $91,800 US is the average yearly income for an established, full-time USANA Associate (Gold Director and above). $23,225 US is the annual average of those who earned as little as one commission check each month. Surveys show that 83% of all Associates self-report they joined USANA to “improve their health.” Of those remaining, 21% earned a check at least once a month even though 56% reported they were not joining to “replace their full-time income.” Of those that were, 41% have been Associates for at least one year and 56% are considered full time with the title of Gold Director or above. These figures shown should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Success with USANA results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership. If you include all 126,146 with the title of Associate, which includes Associates not actively building a business (acting as wholesale buyers), Associates who just joined (as little as one day), and those who are just beginning to build their customer base, the average yearly income is still $734.27 US, with more than one in three earning a check.

  7. Tracy Coenen 09/24/2008 at 6:04 pm - Reply

    Expert Robert Fitzpatrick notes in a report to Fraud Discovery Institute:

    The [Usana] documents present a mean average “earnings” for all distributors which would lead many to think the “average” salesperson earns a profit. In fact, 99% are not profitable and 60% earn no commissions at all. The mean average income of the bottom 99% of all sales people is $6.21 a week, before deducting product purchases, business expenses and taxes. No estimates of actual costs required to pursue the business are provided.

    A report by Fraud Discovery Institute notes:

    Usana presents its distributor income information in a false and misleading fashion by using “averages” that really are not averages at all. The figure of $802.62, purported to be the average distributor income, does not reflect the below the iceberg reality. The company purposely excludes from this calculation thousands of distributors, by using “average distributors” or the distributor count at year-end. The executives know that proper inclusion of all distributors throughout the year in their calculations would make the numbers far less appealing to potential distributors and investment analysts. By presenting the figures in this misleading fashion, Usana avoids having to explain the real average income per distributor (or in reality the average loss), and avoids explaining why such a tiny percentage of distributors at the top of the plan receive almost all of the payouts.

  8. Jiminy Cricket! 10/15/2008 at 4:39 pm - Reply


    If I did some work for an MLM company, say defending it against negative commentary, and they subsequently rewarded my by giving me, say a large distributorship… Would I be required by US Tax Law to pay income tax on the fair value of the payment? I believe so.

    I wonder if LC pays his taxes on time, or tries to weasel out of them…. I wonder…

  9. Tracy Coenen 10/15/2008 at 4:48 pm - Reply

    Jiminy – The facts as you’ve laid them out do seem to constitute a taxable event. Someone received something of value in exchange for some “consulting” services. Sounds taxable to me.

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